Woody Grahpics, Inc.

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Unique Fundraising Opportunity

Promote your student's art and creativity while meeting your fundraising goals!

Custom printed Note Cards feature artwork designs provided by your students.

   Involve each student in the fundraising project by conducting an art contest    to select the designs for your cards. Use up to 10 different designs. Prizes    are available for winners of the contest.

   Cards and envelopes are packaged in clear plastic boxes. There are 10    cards per pack and up to 10 designs per box.

Easy to sell
   All pre-sold orders — using colorful fliers customized with your school's    information and goal. Example of Flier (pdf format).

No upfront costs
   Money collected at point of sale. School pays for cards when delivered.

Great profit potential
   The more packs sold, the larger the profit.

For more information
   If you would like more information, please contact Alan Woodrum at 540-353-3739 or complete the following information and he will    contact you at the time indicated. Thank you.

School or Organization
Best time to contact you
